Book Review: The Ender by Heather Kindt

The Ender by Heather Kindt (The Weaver Trilogy, #3)

Published: January 12, 2021 by The Parliament House

Source: ARC, Kindle Edition, 268 pages

Summary: (from Goodreads)

Most villains meet a likely doom by the end of their book… most villains are not Enders.

With the power of the codex, the Wanderer sends most of the Golden
Recluse into their books and Laney must rush to save them from their own writing. With William, she crosses the page into a horror novel filled with bloodthirsty birds, a romance paperback where, to their dismay, they become the main characters, and a children’s picture book that’s not as innocent as it seems. With each second that passes, the threat of the Wanderer’s pen threatens to end the Weavers.

With everything at stake, Laney realizes that she’s part of something bigger, and it all comes down to a choice that the Wanderer has always wanted her to make:
Will she save the man she loves, or the family she’s only just discovered?

Rating: 4/5 stars


**I received a digital copy from The Parliament House and the author, Heather Kindt, for free in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.**

Man, I have been looking forward to the ending of this trilogy since last year when I read the second book! This series is just so good. If you haven’t read it, you absolutely need to. This won’t be a spoilery review, but it still may be better to check out my reviews of the first two books first for interest: The Weaver and The Watcher.

Heather Kindt does it again. I am always immediately pulled into her books and this one proved no different! I just love the world she has created in this series. The characters are so lovable. You just want to root for them the entire time. I was hooked from the very beginning. This book had so many turns and twists in it, and I was so entertained.

Laney was SO GOOD in this. I’ve always really enjoyed her character, but she was just so strong and so much more developed and mature in this book. I also really liked getting to know her parents a little more in this book. William is just great, and I still also love Nick. I think he’s just precious. Jonas, again, surprised me in this one. That Wanderer though.. she can just go jump off a 150-story building, haha.

The writing, as always, was great. Kindt’s writing always draws me in. If I hadn’t been so busy this week, I would have been able to fly through this in a matter of a few days. Everything I’ve read from her so far has been so intriguing and fun.

I’m so sad that this story has come to a close, but the ending was fantastic! I was not expecting it, but it was a perfect ending to Laney’s story. These are the kind of characters you feel like you know, like they’re living a real life somewhere, and I love that.

Overall, a really great trilogy. I highly recommend it, along with Kindt’s other novels. Please check her out!

Thanks again to Heather for being so fun to work with so many times. I can’t wait to do it again!

Thanks for reading! (:

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